Rachael Moon



BArch MArch PgDip

Rachael qualified as an Architect in 2020, having studied at the Sheffield School of Architecture and the University of Westminster respectively.

Rachael is passionate about the creative reuse of existing buildings - an area of architectural design she regards to be of central importance both socially and environmentally. Her MArch thesis considered a vulnerable Grade II listed building at its heart, proposing to transform the structure for modern day use and was awarded Second Prize in the 2018 SPAB (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) Philip Webb Awards.

Rachael has experience in multiple sectors and stages of design. Whilst at Hawkins Brown, Rachael gained experience working at a unique scale and complexity delivering the new Bond Street Station; one of the ten new stations for the Elizabeth Line in Central London.

Since joining FCBS, Rachael has worked on the masterplan for Green City Kigali, Rwanda and Hayle North Quay, Cornwall.

Rachael Moon
