An inclusive approach to addressing community needs in South Kilburn

South Kilburn Masterplan Review
South Kilburn Estate Regeneraion

Our vision for Kilburn in 2026 is for a friendly and inclusive neighbourhood. One with a fresh multicultural style, buzzing and vibrant with activities for all and which provides a comfortable, green and peaceful living environment.

The regeneration of South Kilburn is a fifteen-year programme to change the fabric of the area for the better. Not only for the redevelopment of buildings but also an enhancement of the landscape, urban realm and streets. The masterplan will replace a large area of poor 1960s housing stock - the concrete tower blocks  and low rise housing and their surroundings.  The regeneration will replace the adverse environmental, social and economic conditions with high-quality council and affordable market homes in an environment that integrates South Kilburn with its more prosperous surroundings.

The masterplan aims to deliver 2400 new high quality homes of which 1200 are available for existing secure tenants of South Kilburn,  a new primary school, a new estate-wide energy solution, new shops, improved public realm and a new health centre.

Following the masterplan review, we went on to redevelop Durham House and Gloucester House with a new scheme for 235 affordable homes based on a medium rise mansion block typology.

Key Information

Sector: Masterplanning & Urban Design

Client: Brent Council

Location: London

Completion: 2016

Size: 0sqm

designing for and with the existing residents.

The community are at the heart of the decision making process, so we took an inclusive and participatory approach to engaging with the residents and stakeholders of South Kilburn.

From our first phase of community consultation, we were able to formulate a strong and exciting community vision, that became the backbone of our design strategy.

Public consultation for South Kilburn Estate Regeneration


Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Civil Engineer
Planning Consultant
Landscape Architect
LDA Design

FCBStudios Team Leads