Masterplan approved for Brabazon

1 March 2024

high density centre at Brabazon

More connected, More sustainable, More opportunities at Brabazon

South Gloucestershire Council has passed a resolution to grant planning approval for the revised masterplan for Brabazon, the thriving new neighbourhood for South Gloucestershire and Bristol on the historic former Filton Airfield, designed by a consortium including Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (FCBStudios) alongside JRDV, SWA and Grant Associates for YTL Developments.

Andy Macintosh, Associate, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios said:
”The vision for Brabazon is hugely ambitious – a whole new sustainable urban neighbourhood for North Bristol. It is a masterplan of significance for the whole southwest region, not only because of its scale and long-term vision, but because of the precedent it offers for the development of dense, new, mixed-use communities. Approval of the outline application is a huge step forward to unlocking the potential for this brownfield site, which is very exciting news. We look forward seeing the new community moving forward at pace.”

As the birthplace of Concorde and supersonic travel, home to over 100 years of aviation history, the former Filton Airfield is known worldwide for a community that changed the world. Under the plans, Brabazon will become a new urban destination that lives up to that legacy.

This pioneering new place aims to provide every generation with the space, connectivity and opportunity to continue to shape the future of South Gloucestershire and North Bristol. It will provide new homes, new jobs and renew the fabric of the community, driving local prosperity for the next century.

Councillor Chris Willmore, Cabinet member responsible for planning at South Gloucestershire Council, says: “This is a historic place-shaping decision by the council for a major sustainable community with the necessary infrastructure to create a truly outstanding place. The plans for Brabazon will create a major new community for South Gloucestershire and a new quarter for the wider Bristol area, built on brownfield land."

The approved plans should see Brabazon grow to over 6,000 new homes of every type and tenure and for every generation, from rental apartments to flats for first-time-buyers, open-market houses and properties for retirement living. There will be up to 2,000 beds for student accommodation, while high-quality affordable homes will make up 26.5% of properties, equating to over 1,700 architect-designed houses and apartments.

Crucially, the plans are based on a flexible framework so that development is phased alongside improved transport links. Three reviews stages are built into the approval to ensure that the number of homes built at Brabazon can only increase in line with the additional transport connections and community facilities needed to support those homes.

The plans – developed by a consortium of architects and planners including JRDV Urban International alongside Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, SWA Group, Grant Associates and YTL Construction Design Group,  also include up to 3 million sq ft of commercial space: enough to support 30,000 jobs.

Brabazon Illustrative Masterplan