Art in Architecture symposium

7 October 2023

Thomas Randall-Page, The Art Barn. Photographer James Bannister.jpg

Messums Wiltshire's annual art in architecture symposium

The Messums Wiltshire annual architecture symposium will, once again, celebrate the latest innovation and evolution in construction and design through a series of talks and presentations by leading architects and innovators in the field.

Chairing the panels at this year’s symposium will be Mike Stiff (Stiff+Trevillion) and Peter Clegg (Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios).

This year topics will include creative spaces for arts in the community, the relationship between art and architecture, the interface between sculpture and architecture and the role of beauty in architectural practice considering the relationship between aesthetics and functionality.

The symposium will be split into two parts with the morning session focusing on ‘Creative Spaces’ looking from the individual to the collective at how buildings inspire creativity. This session will include four presentations followed by a discussion chaired by Peter Clegg and an audience Q&A.

Speakers discussing this theme will include: Piers Taylor (Invisible Studio) + Georgie Grant (Onion Collective CIC); Ashwin Patel (Knox Bhaven); Marie Bak Mortensen (Create London) and Fergus Feilden (Feilden Fowles).

The afternoon session of the symposium will consider the boundaries between art and architecture with architects who make art and artists who work with buildings.

This session will include four presentations followed by a discussion chaired by Mike Stiff and an audience Q&A. Speakers discussing this theme will include: Carag Thuring + Stephanie Macdonald (6A); Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu (Tonkin Liu); Je Ahn (Studio Weave) and Hugo Dalton.

The day will conclude with our keynote speakers – architect Thomas Randell-Page and sculptor Peter Randell-Page. They will be discussing The Art Barn, a ten-year project designed by Thomas Randall-Page to convert a 250 sqm agricultural barn in rural Devon into an art archive for his father, the renowned sculptor Peter Randall-Page.

Tickets for the symposium are £15 each. Lunch is available to book in advance.